Frequently asked Questions
My child loves T1D Buddy Camp, and wants to go more often! Can she?
Right now, we are only able to offer one session of summer camp each year. Check out our friends at Chris Dudley Basketball Camp and Gales Creek Camp for more type 1 diabetes camp options in Oregon. And visit Riding On Insulin to learn about their ski/snowboard and mountain bike shred sessions for kids and teens with T1D.
Can my camper use his cgm at camp? how does it work?
T1D Buddy Camp encourages campers to use their CGMs while at camp. We aim to help them to improve their self-care while being active and adventurous, using the diabetes equipment they routinely have available. Please send all supplies, including receiver and charger.
We'd really like to send our kids to t1d buddy camp, but we live pretty far from central oregon. where can we stay while they are at camp?
Now it's your turn to have some fun. Plan a getaway for the rest of the family, while your kids are safely enjoying camp. Here are some resources to get you started: Black Butte Ranch, Camp Sherman, and Suttle Lake Lodge are each just minutes away. For camping and lodging options throughout Central Oregon contact VisitBend or Visit Central Oregon.
Can my insulin-dependent type 2 child come to buddy camp?
Yes! Irrespective of the type of diabetes, we want to support all insulin-dependent kids in the diabetes community.